Graham Hospital School of Nursing

Historical Collection

Preserving Nursing History; Providing Digital Access: 1909-2009

In anticipation of the 100th anniversary of the Graham Hospital School of Nursing, the library staff embarked on a historical project to commemorate a century of nursing education. The project involved two very different phases to preserve the past of the School.

Images in Nursing Education

The Library houses a small historical collection of documents, photographs and items. Two monetary awards from the Greater Midwest Region of the National Library of Medicine were received to provide equipment to scan and digitize these resources. An LSTA grant from the Illinois State Library provided staffing to work on this project. Our historical resources are currently being scanned, preserved, cataloged and archived within the Library. These images are then uploaded to the Illinois Digital Archive (IDA), which is a project of the Illinois State Library. Graham’s images may be viewed here.

Voices of the Past

While preserving the documents collected over the years, another valuable source of information and memories became apparent—our alumni. The project grew to include oral histories from our Graham graduates. To date, more than eighty alumni have shared wonderful memories of their years at Graham. Much of the information and perspective heard through these interviews is not available anywhere else. They are a unique addition to the preservation of the School of Nursing history. The staff worked toward the goal of interviewing ten alumni from each decade. Graduates from the 1930’s through 2010 have been interviewed. Our goal to complete this phase of the project in time to celebrate 100 years of existence in 2009 was reached. The oral histories of our graduates may also be found at the Illinois Digital Archive (IDA) website,, specifically in the Graham Hospital School of Nursing collection. Each oral history includes a cover page with interview information, and whenever possible, a photo of the graduate. A printed transcript, plus a brief audio clip of the interviewee answering a question or telling a story is also included.

Share The Past

If you would like to participate in Graham’s Oral History Project, by allowing us to interview you in person, by telephone, or by completing a questionnaire, please contact us: Graham Hospital School of Nursing Library 210 W. Walnut St. Canton, IL 61520 309-647-5240 ext. 2343 Fax: 309-649-5105 Email:

If you would like to donate your pictures, documents or memorabilia to the Graham Hospital School of Nursing historical collection, you can do so in one of three ways:

  1. If you have pictures, documents, or memorabilia that you would like to donate to the School’s historical collection, you can call us to pick them up, deliver them to the School of Nursing Library, or mail them to our address listed above.
  2. If you have pictures, documents, or memorabilia that you would like to keep, but are willing to share with us, you can call us to pick them up, deliver them to the Graham Hospital School of Nursing Library, or mail them to our above address. We will scan them, creating an electronic image of the document, picture or item and then return the original to you. In that way, it can be added to the collection, while you retain the original.
  3. If you have electronic files, such as a Word document or digital picture, you can email them as attachments to: We will add them to the digital historical collection here in the School of Nursing and also to the Graham School of Nursing internet collection at Graham Hospital School of Nursing Library.

If you would like more information about donating to the School’s historical collection, please contact us.